Fabric Maintenance Onshore


Fabric Maintenance of onshore facilities whether used for production, storage, processing or manufacture can operate in some of the challenging environments on earth. In order to ensure the continued integrity and ongoing safe operation of these assets and critical infrastructure, the protection of the substrate is crucial.

Dickerman Overseas Contracting Company Limited have worked for many years on onshore, offshore and marine facilities, during this period we have developed expertise in both the fabric maintenance and specialist cleaning aspects.

During this time we worked on all varieties of onshore facilities and sizes of onshore facilities including:

Tank Farms - Crude, Hydrocarbon Product, Food Stuff


Power Generation

LNG Processing & Storage

Methanol Processing & Storage

Gas Receiving and Transfer Station

Above Ground Trans National Pipelines

Crude oil Pumping/Transfer Stations

Water Treatment & Processing Facilities

Various Other Industrial Plants

Water Storage Tanks

We have utilised a variety of methods to undertake our projects including the following:

Surface and preparation via various means including:

Abrasive blasting

Wet grit blasting

Vapor blasting

UHP blasting (30 – 40,000 psi)

Mechanical preparation (needleguns / buffing)

Deck scarifying

Handscraping and hand chipping

Please review our surface preparation and coating sections for more information

Surface Preparation Onshore

Surface Preparation covers a multitude of areas, for which Dickerman Overseas Contracting Company Limited have a vast knowledge and experience.

We have been at the forefront of developing our own systems or procuring the best on the market possible to fulfill a variety of surface preparation needs.

Our teams are fully skilled in all the methods of surface preparation including (but not limited to):

To discuss your requirements please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please scroll through the below surface prepartion options:

Dry abrasive blasting
Mechanical Descaling

Mechanical Descaling

Dickerman Overseas Contracting Company Limited are experts in the use of mechanical tools to achieve quality and cost effective surface preparation solutions onboard.

There are a vast amount of differing types of mechanical equipment available on the market and Dickerman Overseas Contracting Company Limited have experience with all and are suitably placed to recommend the most suited for each project on an individual basis.

Mechanical preparation allows for projects to be undertaken in large flat areas such as structure through to intricate hard to reach areas such as pipetracks. The combination of a variety of equipment can provide an economical solution to the challenges faced with fabric maintenance.

Mechanical tools can also be used in hazardous areas requiring the eradication of ignition sources via the use of berryllium tools over steel. This allows for safe working to be achieved on tankers and other sensitive areas of vessels.

Below is listed a selection of the various mechanical tools we use to assist with surface preparation:

  • Bristle Blasters
  • Needle Guns
  • Deck hammers
  • Hand Scalers
  • Chipping Hammers
  • Deck scarifiers

Whether used independently as the sole method or in combination with other methods,  mechanical preparation ensures safe, quality, and efficient results.

Abrasive Blasting

Dickerman Overseas Contracting Company Limited has used and continues to use this method of blasting on many projects.

We have a wide variety of equipment and abrasive material available in order to suit the specific requirements of individual projects and each is assessed on their own merits and challenges.

Dickerman Overseas Contracting Company Limited have successfully used abrasive grit blasting in a variety of areas across onshore facilities.

Abrasive Blasting Overseas
Vapour Blasting

Vapour Blasting

Vapour Blasting is a method of preparation that Dickerman Overseas Contracting Company Limited have used extensively over our 45 year history.

It has been utilized on a worldwide basis across many different areas of the vessel to achieve an excellent standard of surface preparation in a cost-effective manner.

Our specially designed equipment allows us to prepare areas where traditional methods are unable to be utilized.

Please contact us should you wish to further discuss the experience we have utilizing this method of preparation.

Water Blasting

HP & UHP water blasting provides a very clean and environmentally friendly method of surface preparation.

We use water to blast at various pressures depending on the exact nature of the individual project in hand, the pressure utilized is often between 5,000 and 50,000 psi. When working with pressures as great as these the correct protection is paramount.

We have undertaken many projects utilizing water blasting on a variety of vessels and in numerous locations onboard. The projects have ranged from internal spaces such as ballast tank coating refurbishments to deck coating upgrades including pipe racks and associated fixtures and fittings. All of these have been undertaken and completed safely and successfully.

In order to undertake these projects, we have the ability to supply the latest units and accessories to offer the best solution possible.

Water Blasting

Coating Onshore

Dickerman Overseas Contracting Company Limited are familiar with all coatings within the marine industry and liaise with all coating manufacturers to offer our clients the most cost effective and suitable solutions available.

basic soft coats

We have experience with basic soft coats through to the most modern 2 pack 100% solid epoxies.

Coating choice is critical to align it with the intended function and area to be protected, our technical team can offer as part of any project the recommendations based upon nearly 50 years of experience safe in the knowledge that we are not affiliated with any manufacturer and as such will give our advice completely bias-free.

Our skilled personnel are fully conversant in the application of all coatings within the market place and coatings can be applied via a variety of methods.

Coating application via:

Please explore the coating options we have by scrolling through the below sections:

personnel Overseas worker
Airless Spray

Airless Spray

Suitable for large areas of coating application with the flexibility to apply the majority of high build high solids coatings to the substrate. The most common method of spray coating application, it is cost effective due to being quicker and more effective than conventional spray and brush application. It allows a productive, high quality, uniform finish (with uniform thickness). Small, portable and lightweight units, airless spraying can be used on various substrates including decks, bulkheads, module supports, tank internals, pipework areas and brackets, hulls/sideshell.

Plural Spray

Can be utilised for specialist coating application including application of high solids (100% VOS) and short pot life / fast setting products. Also used for spray PFP application. Whilst more expensive than airless spray, Plural application has proven to be more productive than airless units on larger jobs and removes “hot potting”. Suitable for fast and uniform spraying (including thickness) of large areas with reduced material waste, has ability to heat and agitate products in the built-in materials tanks. Can be used to apply coating to bulkheads, pipework, structure, tank internals, hulls etc. Can also be used to apply PFP products to numerous areas.

Plural Spray
Conventional Spray

Conventional Spray

Suitable for smaller areas of coating application. Conventional spray is more suited to lower solids / viscous coating products (i.e. top coats). A variety of aircaps and needle assemblies allows the operator to have better control on more complex/intricate structures. Can be used on various complex structures and substrates including ,module framework, structural steel beams, pipework and bracket areas.

Hand Application

Suitable for small touch up areas, stripe coating, coating application to inaccessible spray areas and coating repair areas (after damage etc.). Brush coating can help the coating overcome surface tension. It is deal for applying the coating products into crevices, difficult spray areas and irregular surfaces as well as edges, welds, nuts & bolts and steelwork joins. The coating can be worked / forced into the substrate rather than the coating bridging. Ensures coating coverage to substrates where spray application might not be able to fully reach or gain the required thickness.

Hand Application